OK,I am talking like I am holding my nose,and I am sneezing a lot.But, on the bright side today I learned that Mighty Mites ( a.k.a.:football for boys.) have REALLY good chocolate bars!
I also wrote a letter to Lemony Snicket. You know the author wrote one of the best series in the world:A Series of Unfortunate Events.I call it ASOUE.I am on #8.I haven't sent my letter yet but I will tomorrow.So guess what that means? A new post!!!I have nothing else to write about.Except writing about having nothing to write about.And then there's writing about writing about nothing to write about.OK it'll just get confusing if I go any further. So I guess I'll post tomorrow instead of writing about nothng to write about.Bye.
I wish you added pictues.