It's 2011! Finally!! I've been waiting for this since January 1st 2010. Here's the randomness that has entered my life since October.
- I finished all of the Harry Potter books.
Harry Potter is freaking awesome!!! I am his 18th cousin thrice removed. I say this because I have glasses that are rectangular and they have black frames and I have a scar on my nose in the shape of a line from when Obi bit me there when I was like, three or four. Yeah, I can read Obi's mind. Right now he's all like,"Where am I? Hungry! Good thing those poor excuses of cats aren't here to steel my food! (insert evil laugh here.) Bwa ha ha ha! Those-" You know next time I see Obi, I really should tell him to watch his language.
- Last Wednesday this conversation happened in the car on the way back from "the Texas Tenors"
Me: Hey, Mom, in January when we get the consultation for my braces, I should ask them if they could give me a grill because all the cool people like Fiddy Cent (I said 'Fiddy Cent' like I was some sort of rapper or something) have grills.( I am not really sure if Fiddy Cent has a grill. I am not really a rap person.)
Mom: Who's Fiffty Cents?
Me:Fiddy Cent is a rapper.
( I then went on to explain how a couple years ago on Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and Amy Pohler, Amy was saying something about Fiddy Cent and his name is so freaking hilarious that the crowd laughed every time she said 'Fiddy Cent')
Then Dad joined the conversation saying how rap is stupid and how much he hates Fiddy Cent. Every time Dad said 'Fiddy Cent' I said it in my I'm-not-really-a-rap-person-voice.
- I am writing a book.
It's about a couple dealing with life. Wow, when I put it like that, it sounds really boring. It's not because, I'm awesome. I just don't have a title,yet. Any suggestions?
- I got hooked on That '70s Show.
It's a really good show. It's hilarious.
- I have a pair of Aviator sunglasses.
They are all reflecty and blue. They are also Kenneth Cole.
- I also got three-inch sparkly heels .
They are peep-toe with silver sparkles but, the heel is a metallic gold. They rock my face off.
- I ate a Big Mac.
This event is documented on Facebook.
- I realized how stalker-ish Santa is.
" He knows when you are sleeping. He knows if you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good..." Oh, come on, you know I'm right.
- I am really interested in '70s fashion.
This one is unexplainable.
- I am embracing my inner-Brit.
Yeah, I randomly talk in a British accent. I think my inner-Brit is somewhere around my esophagus. You can see it in X-rays- it looks like a little British flag.
If I missed anything, I will post about it next weekend. Peace In!!! Oh, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Forgot just one thing. Instead of being a Twitie/Warie/Trekie for all of you people out there who are Harry Potter freaks, like me, I made up a name for us. Harry Potter freaks,like myself, I have deemed "Pott-Heads." The "pot" part has two Ts because "Potter" has two Ts. Get it? Potter, Pott-head? I'm hilarious.