Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I have been busy beyond belief! So if you are wondering why I named this post after the bestselling novel by Stephanie Meyer you have come to the right6 place! I FINALLY finished "Twilight!" After 5 whole months of reading it (just for the record: I started and stooped like fifteen times before I finished it) I got done with it! I was about half way through it when I skipped church and read for about 8 solid hours with a break for lunch. Then the Tuesday after that I got "New Moon" and finished it by the the next Saturday which, by the way, was last Saturday. So that means that I am on Eclipse right now and as for the fourth book...well I am not going to read it until about 7th or 8th grade because I heard some...things about it that I won't share over the Internet. Honestly, I think those books are like a drug! You know how the people who really like "Star Trek" are called " Trekies"? And even though I made this next one up myself it still counts, the people who really like "Star Wars" are what I like to call "Waries"? Well I call the people who really like "Twight", "Twighties." I know it sounds like "tighty whities" but it's really the thought that counts, right? Well, I would call my self a "twightie." On a different note, Stephanie Meyer if you are out there reading this in any way shape or form, I think that you are a genus! Personally I think that your books are very addictive which goes very well with this blog. So blog readers/followers out there what do You think of "Twilight"? Do you like the books or the movies better? And finally the ultimate question for all "twighties"- Team Edward or Team Jacob? I am so Team Edward its not even funny! So feel free to answer these questions through a comment.
Bye! ; )