Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!??

Okay, I didn't eat that much turkey and I'm super tired! What the crap part of my brain that makes me tired! I got a full six hours of sleep last night! I shouldn't be this tired.
Welcome blog readers! How are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking. So Happy Charlie Brown Thanksgiving! So, I'm going to jump right in her and tell you what the crap has gone on with me.
First- I got an iPhone 3Gs! I love it!
Second- I have really been thinking a lot about Twilight again. Things like, how Edward is a cougar because he's 87 years older than Bella, have been popping into my head. Wierd, I know.
Thirdly ( That's a word, right?)- I am on speaking terms with Facbook again! Yay, small victory!
Well, Happy Thanksgiving! I will have a longer post later, I am posting from my iPhone (named Edward Ronald the third) right now. Peace in!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Remember My Other Blog?

I have decided to fix up my other blog. It was kind of sad, it only had one follower. So in my effort to make it spiffy, I am going on Facebook and Twitter. Yay! Follow me, like me, tell your friends!! I want my blogs to be big. I want people to hear all of the crap rollling around in my head. My other blog is, for those of you who forgot. See you on the net (the internet, that is).

Friday, October 21, 2011

What Has Happened to Me Thus Far

Hello blog pursuers!! I am pretty good. Thank you for asking. Since I haven't posted in a long while, I thought you might be wondering what has been going on in my oh-so-glamorous life ( it's not really that glamorous). Aaaaaaaaand...we're off!!

  • I moved. Different house, same boring Springfield. Hey! That could be a movie tag line!

  • I am reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. One of the best books I will ever read ( and re-read), and that's high praise for me because I am extremely picky in my book selections.

  • I got strep throat and a really bad sore throat within one month. This caused teachers to ask me questions about what they could do to get me back at school and then they would go on to tell me something along the lines of, "Your waaay to smart to fail, Meredith." Even though I was making straight A's.

  • I was really sad that Steve Jobs died. I have a first generation iPod touch that is almost to the point of breakdown, but I love it. I would really like to have an iPad 2, though.

  • I have almost had an epiphany of fashion. It has manifested itself into an obsession. My magazine issue stats are as follows: 2 of British Vogue, 6 of American Vogue, 10 of Teen Vogue, and multiple books, sewing magazines, and fashion magazines other than Vogue.

  • I have discovered Man Repelling fashions. If you haven't heard of this here's the fantastioc blog-

  • I have decided to go to Parsons: The New School of Design. It is one of the top design schools in the U.S. Marc Jacobs, Donna Karen, and Tom Ford all went there.

  • If you don't already know, I am going to be a fashion designer when I am old enough to get internships and crap.

  • I also love Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. She has impeccable style sense and a beautiful smile.

  • I think I have reached the end of my list. But, before I go, I have one last thing. In my strive to be more worldly, I would love to know if you aren't from the U.S. Plus if you are from the U.S., but you are from a state other than Missouri (or if you are, it doesn't matter) please leave me a comment in the again , conveniently placed comment box at the end of this post. Or if you have a the last post I posted under this post, the word, "comment" is printed under the post and that word shall lead you to the still conveniently placed comment box at the bottom of the post. It looks more complicated than it actually is, trust me.

  • Bye!! I love you all. Even though I do not know you. But, isn't that what world peace is all about?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Input-a- palooza!

Very imporant question to follow these bolded words.

Okay, transport yourself back to 7th grade. Would you have enjoyed a sewing club at your school and why? Please leave your input in the conveniently located comment box at the bottom of this post. Please don't include how much I sound like a teacher. Thank you blog- stalkers! (Just kidding. You guys aren't stalkers.)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Absolute Longest Week in the History of Ever

Happy October!!!! According to my mental book, I can now officially allow myself to say that it is fall outside. Yay!
Here is my week-
I moved to a different house last weekend. You could say it was a semi- high stress situation.
Then I went back to school on Monday. So, I come home from school, the night passes and it's like 10:30 or something and I go to brush my teeth before bed. I put the toothpaste on the tooth brush and look up in the mirror at my refection only to find that there is a GIANT FREAKING SPIDER (it was at least the size of a half dollar) on my right sleeve. There was a slight moment where my thought process went something like this:
"Holy Mother Mary!! There is a spider on my arm!! It looks like a Brown Recluse! Their bites make holes in your skin! I hope this spider didn't bite me! Holy Crap! It looks bigger than it did a second ago! " Cue my screams. My new neighbors probably think I am dead now. Long story short, the spider is now deceased.
The next day I woke up and my throat hurt. I figured that it was the result of me bloody murder the night before. So school lets out, I go home and feel like a piece of dog crap. my mom was home and she told me to take my temperature. 100.2. Yay! A fever.
By Wednesday my throat was worse. I stayed home from school.
On Thursday, my throat was so bad I could hardly talk. I went to the doctor and they took my height, weight, and blood pressure and then they stuck a giant mutant Q-Tip down my throat. They then ran tests on it. The doctor told me that I had strep throat. I have pills now.
Then Friday came and I stayed home again.
And that brings us to today, Saturday.
On a completely different subject, I got a dress the Wednesday before last. It has a white background and pink hydrangeas with charcoal gray leaves all over it. The silhouette is very 1970's. It is a maxi dress with ruffles at the bottom and a ruffle at the neck line that forms the sleeves and it is cinched in at the waist. The dress is from White House Black Market and the retail price was $198! I got it from a friend of one of my mom's coworkers for (get this!) $48!!! Jealous right?
Anyway, I also discovered this pre-college program from Parsons University ( which has one of the top fashion design programs in the nation) and this program offers a course in fashion design! Awesome!
I have nothing else to say now. Have fun in the blogosphere, blogreaders!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Crazy Wack Job of a Summer. The Epic Tale, as Told by Meredith Murphree.

Please read Angela's blog, So Now You Now (that was a link) first. It will fill in all of those confusing little blanks I will leave you in my story. Angela is my sister for those of you who forgo

June 2011-

  • My 5 and 6 year old nieces, Grace and Lily, arrive the day scholl is let out for summer. The next day, I am let out of school and every thing is a happy, fun, party ball.

  • A weeklater, Grace and Lily leave and I go with Dad to take them home to Oklahoma.

  • I stay the weekend in OKC with Angela while Dad is singing in Waco, TX.

  • Dad comes back on Sunday night and we are to leave on Monday morning. When Dad gets back at midnight, Angela wakes up and fills him in on a story that you all can read on her blog (see link above).

  • One week later, I take a road trip with Mom to Utah to see reletives. Meaanwhile, Angela is on a cruise (see above link). So on Our way back from Utah, Mom gets a call from Dad saying that we need to pick up Grace and Lily. So, we're in the middle of freaking Kansas and there is a highway, in the middle of freaking Kansas, that goes straight down to OKC.

  • Grace and Lily's 2nd visit ends, we take them back, blah, blah, blah.

July 2011

  • I go on vacation to St.Louis.

  • One week later, I have to help Dad set up for The Festival of Faith and the Arts at church.

  • Angela is performing in all three of the shows in the festival. She comes up with her two dogs, Grace and Lily.

  • I win 1st and 3rd in my division of the festival's art show.

  • Angela and "The Gang," go back to OKC.

  • The children plus two extra dogs is not a good stress combo for my cat. So, Tiger then pees blood.

  • We take Tiger to the vet ant the vet gives us seditives and pain killers for my poor kitty.

  • I give Tiger his meds and he went all "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" on us. Witch was a little funny in the middle of summer when you're bored. He walked and acted drunk, by the way.

August 2011

  • Angela and her "entorage," come back for a week for opera rehursal. Also, two of the sigers in the opera were staying at our house at the same time. if you were a fan of the show, "Full House," you would have LOVED this.

  • I go to a Chicago concert that was awesome.

  • Obi got to old and had to be put down. Just so you know, Obi wasn't born, he was created with the Earth. "... and God said, 'Let there be Obi!' "

  • Jacqui got a new cat and named him Wedge. No, she does not have an obsession with simple machines.

  • I wrote a letter to the Editor- in- cheif of Teen Vogue.

  • I started the 7th grade.


I just love summer, don't you?

Google Can Go Suck Jar Lids- Meredith's Rant on Google.

I just tried to log into Blogger and you know what popped up?! A Google thing wanting to verify my electronic mail address that I no longer use. So I tied to change the old e-mail address to my new g-mail address. Then guess what happened, a little red message popped up that said, and I quote, "A Google account is not allowed to be the primary address for this account." This is when I kinda went a little kooky. I only have two e-mail accounts!! I couldn't make one up! That would make the verification e-mail get all jacked up!!! Well I eventually got into Blogger,as you might have noticed but, I am still a little peeved toward Google.