Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!??

Okay, I didn't eat that much turkey and I'm super tired! What the crap part of my brain that makes me tired! I got a full six hours of sleep last night! I shouldn't be this tired.
Welcome blog readers! How are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking. So Happy Charlie Brown Thanksgiving! So, I'm going to jump right in her and tell you what the crap has gone on with me.
First- I got an iPhone 3Gs! I love it!
Second- I have really been thinking a lot about Twilight again. Things like, how Edward is a cougar because he's 87 years older than Bella, have been popping into my head. Wierd, I know.
Thirdly ( That's a word, right?)- I am on speaking terms with Facbook again! Yay, small victory!
Well, Happy Thanksgiving! I will have a longer post later, I am posting from my iPhone (named Edward Ronald the third) right now. Peace in!!